Thursday, March 29, 2012

Count records when RecordSource is a Stored Procedure

I have a stored procedure named mySP that looks basically like this:
Select Field1, Field2
From tblMyTable
Where Field 3 = 'xyz'

What I do is to populate an Access form:
DoCmd.Openform "frmMyFormName"
Forms!myFormName.RecordSource = "mySP"

What I want to do in VBA is to open frmContinuous(a datasheet form) if
mySP returns more than one record or open frmDetail if mySP returns
only one record.

I'm stumped as to how to accomplish this, without running mySP twice:
once to count it and once to use it as a recordsource.
lq"Lauren Quantrell" <> wrote in message om...
> I have a stored procedure named mySP that looks basically like this:
> Select Field1, Field2
> From tblMyTable
> Where Field 3 = 'xyz'
> What I do is to populate an Access form:
> DoCmd.Openform "frmMyFormName"
> Forms!myFormName.RecordSource = "mySP"
> What I want to do in VBA is to open frmContinuous(a datasheet form) if
> mySP returns more than one record or open frmDetail if mySP returns
> only one record.
> I'm stumped as to how to accomplish this, without running mySP twice:
> once to count it and once to use it as a recordsource.
> Thanks,
> lq

I don't know much about VBA, but if you return the results of the procedure
in an ADO RecordSet object, then you should be able to count the rows on the
client side, and format the data accordingly. You might get a better answer
in an Access newsgroup, though.


count records using a max value in another field

Please help. I am struggling.


cards year org

Q123 Q MO

Q236 Q MO

Q569 Q MO

R456 R MO

Q789 Q MO

R482 R MO

First I need to find the max value of the year field then use that max value to count the cards associated with that max value where org is a parameter from the user.

So the result would be 2. I need a SQL query to give me these results.

R year is the max value and there are two of those records. I hope this makes sense.

Something like this (works in SQL 2000 and SQL 2005):

Code Snippet



Count = count( Year )

FROM MyTable




Code Snippet

SELECT max(activeyear)AS activeyear, COUNT(cardnum) AS cardCnt
FROM camcards

WHERE org =

This is my original query but it gives me the count for all the years regardless of my max(year). The user would be entering the value in for org. I should get back one line so there is not need to to have an order by.

so in my original message the result should be

activeyear = R and cardCnt = 2

I am sorry Arnie, but your suggestion does not work or make sense to me. I don't think you can put an equal sign in the SELECT part of the statement.



select a.year, count(*)

from dbo.t1 as a inner join (select, max(c.year) from dbo.t1 as c where = group by org) as b

on = and a.year = b.year

group by a.year


select year, count(*)

from dbo.t1

where org = and year = (select max(b.year) from dbo.t1 as b where org =

order by year


select top 1 year, count(*)

from dbo.t1

where org =

gropu by year

order by year desc




Select top 1 year, (SELECT count(1) from table where year = t.yearr and org =

from table t

where org = 'mo'

order by year desc


Actually, Theresa, the code I provided you does indeed work. I understand that you my not yet have the exprience to follow how it works, and I'll try to help. I've even added the extra WHERE clause to filter for the Org by user input.

Below is demonstration code that creates a sample table (named @.MyTable), and then populates the table with your data (I tossed in a couple of extra rows to verify that they would not be included in the result.) I suggest that you copy and paste code into your query window and execute it to verify that it works, THEN change the code, substituting the table name for your tablename.

I don't think you can put an equal sign in the SELECT part of the statement.

You are a little 'confused' about using equals signs in a SELECT statement, and that is just from inexperience. Actually, there are a couple of ways that one may choose to use equals signs in the SELECT. First, to assign a column value to a variable (e.g., SELECT @.ClientID = ClientID FROM ... ), and also to assign an 'alias' for a 'missing' column name or to rename a column in the resultset (e.g, Count = count( Year ) ). Without the 'alias', the column representing the aggragate value COUNT() would not have a name. That is often OK, and sometimes for illustration purposes, it is useful.

At the bottom is the actual results from executing all of this sample code in my query window. I think that matches what you said that you wanted.

As you progress in your learning SQL Server, you will discover that it is considered a big faux paux to use reserved words as table and column names (e.g., Year). When you do that you may 'confuse' matters, so to prevent such 'confusion', it is necessary to use square brackets ( [ ] ) around those inappropiately named objects. You may wish to refer to Books Online, Topic: Reserved Words.

I hope that this helps you, and good luck with your travels down the SQL Server 'path'.

Code Snippet


DECLARE @.MyTable table
Cards varchar(10),
[Year] char(1),
Org char(2)

INSERT INTO @.MyTable VALUES ( 'Q123', 'Q', 'MO' )
INSERT INTO @.MyTable VALUES ( 'Q236', 'Q', 'MO' )
INSERT INTO @.MyTable VALUES ( 'Q569', 'Q', 'MO' )
INSERT INTO @.MyTable VALUES ( 'R456', 'R', 'MO' )
INSERT INTO @.MyTable VALUES ( 'Q789', 'Q', 'MO' )
INSERT INTO @.MyTable VALUES ( 'R482', 'R', 'MO' )
INSERT INTO @.MyTable VALUES ( 'ABC1', 'S', 'NO' )
INSERT INTO @.MyTable VALUES ( 'XYZ2', 'T', 'NO' )

DECLARE @.Org char(2)
SET @.Org = 'MO'

ActiveYear = [Year],
CardCnt = count( [Year] )
FROM @.MyTable
WHERE Org = @.Org

ActiveYear CardCnt
- --
R 2

|||Thanks to all who have replied to thread.

Count records manually

Hi everyone, I'm a newbie with this Crystal Reports thing and I was wondering if there is anyone who can help me.

My table has a field named obsolete, depending on the type of "obsolete" I would like to count the number of ocurrencies in my table.

I know I could do this by grouping the field but, I need to group with other 4 fields and I've tried it like that but I guess that the only way that I'll be able to retrieve the data the way I want it is manually. So, is there any if statement or while statement that I could use?

Thanx for any repliesI guess you could try to use if statements in suppressed formulas (look up information on running totals in CR).

I had a similar requirement and found it easier to decode the values in my view (I'm using Oracle PL/SQL).

decode(classId,1,trafficcount,0) class_1,
decode(classId,2,trafficcount,0) class_2,

Ie. If the classId is 1, put the trafficcount in column called class_1, else put 0.|||Thanx for your reply kristyw. Im using informix, I'm not quite sure I can use the decode function, or is it a CR function?

Count Records in sqlcommand or sqladapter?

Hi everyone? I have a small problem here, I want to count the records found under the following method:

Public Function ValidateAssembly(ByVal assynoAs String)As DataSetDim SQLConnAs SqlConnection =New SqlConnection(Connstr)Dim adapterAs SqlDataAdapter =New SqlDataAdapterDim dsVendorInfoAs DataSet =New DataSet("AssemblyHeader")Dim cmdAs System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand =New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommandDim BMItemnoAs New SqlParameter("@.v_assyno", SqlDbType.VarChar, 10) BMItemno.Value = GetBomAssyNo(assyno) SQLConn.Open()Try With cmd .CommandText ="SELECT * FROM dbo.cfn_bom_get_assy(@.v_assyno)" .Parameters.Add(BMItemno) .Connection = SQLConn .CommandType = CommandType.TextEnd With adapter.SelectCommand = cmd adapter.Fill(dsVendorInfo)Catch xAs ExceptionEnd Try SQLConn.Close()Return dsVendorInfoEnd Function
I want to see if this can be done and passed to the actual dataset? Is this possible? Or do I need to pass the found results from my query to a sqlreader? Also, Im I forced to put my colums together in a DataTable before actually binding to the DataSet?
 Thanks everyone! 

If I understand what you are looking for, you want the count of the number of records returned in your Dataset. All you have to do for that is:


|||Right, and how can I attach that to my dataset? Create a new column within the dataset that contains that value?|||

Why would you want to attach that to your dataset?? Anywhere you use the dataset you can retrieve the count.


Scratch that. My intent is to simply pass the record count to a label. I am using an ajax control to extract data from this function and then the dataset populates all these labels in my form. I have a record count label which I have to also populate. So I was just thinking to add an extra column with a record count value but seems overhead to me. I created a new method that will just be used to populate that one label. My problem is that the record count does not show on your suggested "dsVendorInfo.Tables(0).Rows.Count" formula. I placed a break point on this line and its not being populated andI know its passing values (I am running a trace on the query). Here is my code:

<AjaxPro.AjaxMethod()> _Public Function ValidateAssembly(ByVal assynoAs String)As DataSetDim SQLConnAs SqlConnection =New SqlConnection(Connstr)Dim adapterAs SqlDataAdapter =New SqlDataAdapterDim dsVendorInfoAs DataSet =New DataSet("AssemblyHeader")Dim cmdAs System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand =New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommandDim BMItemnoAs New SqlParameter("@.v_assyno", SqlDbType.VarChar, 10) BMItemno.Value = GetBomAssyNo(assyno) SQLConn.Open()Try With cmd .CommandText ="SELECT * FROM dbo.cfn_bom_get_assy(@.v_assyno)" .Parameters.Add(BMItemno) .Connection = SQLConn .CommandType = CommandType.TextEnd With adapter.SelectCommand = cmd adapter.Fill(dsVendorInfo)Dim intCountAs Integer intCount = dsVendorInfo.Tables(0).Rows.Count 'showing empty when called upon RecordCount(intCount)Catch xAs ExceptionEnd Try SQLConn.Close()Return dsVendorInfoEnd Function Private Sub RecordCount(ByVal intNumAs Integer) lblRecordCount.Text = intNumEnd Sub
|||URGGHGH Scratch that too. I was passing my variable as an integer. It has to be passed as a string. Working beautifully now. Thanks for the help! :)

count records in several months


I've a small problem. I have a table in which one column is date. I want to
count the records for statiscs in a temptable grouped by months lets say 12
months back.
month 1 counts 164 rec month 2 counts 87 records and so on.
I tried to solve this like this with a function SELECT COUNT(*) FROM TABLE
WHERE DATEDIFF(m,Col1,GETDATE())=@.counter.
But I don't know how to get this thing count from 0 up to 11 to get this
thing recursive.
Does anyone know how to tackel my problem? I wouls apreciate any answer.
Greetz to you allYou need counts based on months? If your date column is datetime datatype,
something like this could work:

select count(*) as No, month(col1) as month, year (col1) as year
from table
where datediff(m, col1, getdate()) <= 12 -- if you want only last 12 months
group by month(col1) as month, year (col1) as year

If you posted create statements and some sample data I could test this...


"Sjef ten Koppel" <sjeftenkoppel@.home.nlwrote in message


Originally Posted by

I've a small problem. I have a table in which one column is date. I want
to count the records for statiscs in a temptable grouped by months lets
say 12 months back.
month 1 counts 164 rec month 2 counts 87 records and so on.
I tried to solve this like this with a function SELECT COUNT(*) FROM TABLE
WHERE DATEDIFF(m,Col1,GETDATE())=@.counter.
But I don't know how to get this thing count from 0 up to 11 to get this
thing recursive.
Does anyone know how to tackel my problem? I wouls apreciate any answer.
Greetz to you all

|||Sjef ten Koppel ( writes:


Originally Posted by

Oops you are fast! thank you.
I could send you a create sql but I don't know how to extract sample data
from my db see att.

It does not have to be real-world data, you could just fill in some
sample data, and tell us what the result you want from the sample. That
helps to clarify your question.

But did not the query that Macro posted fit your needs?

Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP,
Books Online for SQL Server 2005 at
Books Online for SQL Server 2000 at|||Great I tried your solution. It works great. Thank you!!
"MC" < im Newsbeitrag


Originally Posted by

You need counts based on months? If your date column is datetime datatype,
something like this could work:
select count(*) as No, month(col1) as month, year (col1) as year
from table
where datediff(m, col1, getdate()) <= 12 -- if you want only last 12
group by month(col1) as month, year (col1) as year
If you posted create statements and some sample data I could test this...
"Sjef ten Koppel" <sjeftenkoppel@.home.nlwrote in message


Originally Posted by

>I've a small problem. I have a table in which one column is date. I want
>to count the records for statiscs in a temptable grouped by months lets
>say 12 months back.
>month 1 counts 164 rec month 2 counts 87 records and so on.
>I tried to solve this like this with a function SELECT COUNT(*) FROM
>But I don't know how to get this thing count from 0 up to 11 to get this
>thing recursive.
>Does anyone know how to tackel my problem? I wouls apreciate any answer.
>Greetz to you all



Probeer dit eens:

when datepart(m,Col1) < 10
then convert(int,convert(char(4),datepart(yyyy,Col1))+ '0'+convert(char(1),datepart(m,Col1)))
else convert(int,convert(char(4),datepart(yyyy,Col1))+c onvert(char(2),datepart(m,Col1)))
end), count(*) as [COUNT] from Table1

group by

when datepart(m,Col1) < 10
then convert(int,convert(char(4),datepart(yyyy,Col1))+ '0'+convert(char(1),datepart(m,Col1)))
else convert(int,convert(char(4),datepart(yyyy,Col1))+c onvert(char(2),datepart(m,Col1)))

order by

when datepart(m,Col1) < 10
then convert(int,convert(char(4),datepart(yyyy,Col1))+ '0'+convert(char(1),datepart(m,Col1)))
else convert(int,convert(char(4),datepart(yyyy,Col1))+c onvert(char(2),datepart(m,Col1)))


Wim Venema
"Sjef ten Koppel" <sjeftenkoppel@.home.nlwrote in message news:er97ad$qkb$

I've a small problem. I have a table in which one column is date. I want to
count the records for statiscs in a temptable grouped by months lets say 12
months back.
month 1 counts 164 rec month 2 counts 87 records and so on.
I tried to solve this like this with a function SELECT COUNT(*) FROM TABLE
WHERE DATEDIFF(m,Col1,GETDATE())=@.counter.
But I don't know how to get this thing count from 0 up to 11 to get this
thing recursive.
Does anyone know how to tackel my problem? I wouls apreciate any answer.
Greetz to you allsql

count records in a top 10 query


Im trying to make a top 10 list of col1 and and at the 11:th place it should show a number of record that dosent make it to the top 10 list...

i have this so far, and it dosent give me anything...

col1 is varchar 254


ex of output

place1 100
place2 50
place3 25
place11 500

a query that only gives me the place11 number is enough

thx in advance //MrHere is the number of records that are not in the top 10 list

select count(*) number
from myTable
where col1 not in
(select top 10 col1 from myTable)
group by col1
order by count(*) desc

Count Records in a Group

Hello All.
I'm running SSRS 2005 on top of a sql2000 database.
I need to create a report that counts the number of invoices salesreps
process per month.
The fields I have selected are;
SalesRep ID Invoice No Invoice Date
1 5467 2/22/2006 3:06:17 PM
5 4526 2/22/2006 3:29:56 PM
8 6589 6/14/2005 4:20:26 PM
5 8569 2/22/2006 3:29:56 PM
5 2563 6/10/2007 8:29:56 AM
5 1523 2/22/2006 3:29:56 PM
8 9876 8/23/2006 5:29:56 PM
1 7563 4/23/2006 1:29:56 PM
What i want to do is group by Salesrep ID, then show the total number of
invoices that rep did per month;
SalesRep ID Month TotalInvoices Processed
1 Jan 4
Feb 2
Mar 5
5 Jan 5
Feb 6
Mar 3
8 Jan 2
Feb 10
Mar 20 ... and so on.
I'm not sure exactly how to do this. Also how do I convert the date format
into just showing the month, not every minute of every day?
Any help is much appreciated.
Thanks.You want to do this with the sql statement. Since you didn't show your SQL I
had to make up names.
select a.salesrepid, datepart(month, a.invoicedate) as month, count(*) as
invoices_count from yourtable a
group by a.salesrepid, datepart(month, a.invoicedate)
order by a.salesrepid, month
Note this gives you month by number which is what you need in order to order
it properly, if you want by month name then add that in and still order by
the month number to keep in in the proper order.
Bruce Loehle-Conger
MVP SQL Server Reporting Services
"Damon Johnson" <> wrote in message
> Hello All.
> I'm running SSRS 2005 on top of a sql2000 database.
> I need to create a report that counts the number of invoices salesreps
> process per month.
> The fields I have selected are;
> SalesRep ID Invoice No Invoice Date
> 1 5467 2/22/2006 3:06:17 PM
> 5 4526 2/22/2006 3:29:56 PM
> 8 6589 6/14/2005 4:20:26 PM
> 5 8569 2/22/2006 3:29:56 PM
> 5 2563 6/10/2007 8:29:56 AM
> 5 1523 2/22/2006 3:29:56 PM
> 8 9876 8/23/2006 5:29:56 PM
> 1 7563 4/23/2006 1:29:56 PM
> What i want to do is group by Salesrep ID, then show the total number of
> invoices that rep did per month;
> SalesRep ID Month TotalInvoices Processed
> 1 Jan 4
> Feb 2
> Mar 5
> 5 Jan 5
> Feb 6
> Mar 3
> 8 Jan 2
> Feb 10
> Mar 20 ... and so on.
> I'm not sure exactly how to do this. Also how do I convert the date format
> into just showing the month, not every minute of every day?
> Any help is much appreciated.
> Thanks.
>|||Thank you soo much Bruce.
Here is the statement;
SELECT TOP 100 PERCENT dbo.invoice_hdr.salesrep_id,
FROM dbo.contacts INNER JOIN
dbo.invoice_hdr ON =dbo.invoice_hdr.salesrep_id
"Bruce L-C [MVP]" wrote:
> You want to do this with the sql statement. Since you didn't show your SQL I
> had to make up names.
> select a.salesrepid, datepart(month, a.invoicedate) as month, count(*) as
> invoices_count from yourtable a
> group by a.salesrepid, datepart(month, a.invoicedate)
> order by a.salesrepid, month
> Note this gives you month by number which is what you need in order to order
> it properly, if you want by month name then add that in and still order by
> the month number to keep in in the proper order.
> --
> Bruce Loehle-Conger
> MVP SQL Server Reporting Services
> "Damon Johnson" <> wrote in message
> > Hello All.
> >
> > I'm running SSRS 2005 on top of a sql2000 database.
> >
> > I need to create a report that counts the number of invoices salesreps
> > process per month.
> >
> > The fields I have selected are;
> >
> > SalesRep ID Invoice No Invoice Date
> >
> >
> > 1 5467 2/22/2006 3:06:17 PM
> > 5 4526 2/22/2006 3:29:56 PM
> > 8 6589 6/14/2005 4:20:26 PM
> > 5 8569 2/22/2006 3:29:56 PM
> > 5 2563 6/10/2007 8:29:56 AM
> > 5 1523 2/22/2006 3:29:56 PM
> > 8 9876 8/23/2006 5:29:56 PM
> > 1 7563 4/23/2006 1:29:56 PM
> >
> > What i want to do is group by Salesrep ID, then show the total number of
> > invoices that rep did per month;
> >
> > SalesRep ID Month TotalInvoices Processed
> > 1 Jan 4
> > Feb 2
> > Mar 5
> >
> > 5 Jan 5
> > Feb 6
> > Mar 3
> >
> > 8 Jan 2
> > Feb 10
> > Mar 20 ... and so on.
> >
> >
> > I'm not sure exactly how to do this. Also how do I convert the date format
> > into just showing the month, not every minute of every day?
> >
> > Any help is much appreciated.
> > Thanks.
> >
>|||Bruce that worked perfectly!!
Thanks again!
"Damon Johnson" wrote:
> Thank you soo much Bruce.
> Here is the statement;
> SELECT TOP 100 PERCENT dbo.invoice_hdr.salesrep_id,
> dbo.invoice_hdr.order_date
> FROM dbo.contacts INNER JOIN
> dbo.invoice_hdr ON => dbo.invoice_hdr.salesrep_id
> "Bruce L-C [MVP]" wrote:
> > You want to do this with the sql statement. Since you didn't show your SQL I
> > had to make up names.
> >
> > select a.salesrepid, datepart(month, a.invoicedate) as month, count(*) as
> > invoices_count from yourtable a
> > group by a.salesrepid, datepart(month, a.invoicedate)
> > order by a.salesrepid, month
> >
> > Note this gives you month by number which is what you need in order to order
> > it properly, if you want by month name then add that in and still order by
> > the month number to keep in in the proper order.
> >
> >
> > --
> > Bruce Loehle-Conger
> > MVP SQL Server Reporting Services
> >
> >
> > "Damon Johnson" <> wrote in message
> >
> > > Hello All.
> > >
> > > I'm running SSRS 2005 on top of a sql2000 database.
> > >
> > > I need to create a report that counts the number of invoices salesreps
> > > process per month.
> > >
> > > The fields I have selected are;
> > >
> > > SalesRep ID Invoice No Invoice Date
> > >
> > >
> > > 1 5467 2/22/2006 3:06:17 PM
> > > 5 4526 2/22/2006 3:29:56 PM
> > > 8 6589 6/14/2005 4:20:26 PM
> > > 5 8569 2/22/2006 3:29:56 PM
> > > 5 2563 6/10/2007 8:29:56 AM
> > > 5 1523 2/22/2006 3:29:56 PM
> > > 8 9876 8/23/2006 5:29:56 PM
> > > 1 7563 4/23/2006 1:29:56 PM
> > >
> > > What i want to do is group by Salesrep ID, then show the total number of
> > > invoices that rep did per month;
> > >
> > > SalesRep ID Month TotalInvoices Processed
> > > 1 Jan 4
> > > Feb 2
> > > Mar 5
> > >
> > > 5 Jan 5
> > > Feb 6
> > > Mar 3
> > >
> > > 8 Jan 2
> > > Feb 10
> > > Mar 20 ... and so on.
> > >
> > >
> > > I'm not sure exactly how to do this. Also how do I convert the date format
> > > into just showing the month, not every minute of every day?
> > >
> > > Any help is much appreciated.
> > > Thanks.
> > >
> >
> >
> >|||First, you do not need TOP 100 percent. That means you want all the records
which is what you get without the TOP syntax.
SELECT a.salesrep_id, datepart(month,b.order_date) as Month,
datename(month,b.order_date) as Month_Name,count(*) as invoices_count
FROM dbo.contacts a INNER JOIN dbo.invoice_hdr b ON =b.salesrep_id
where b.order_date >= @.STARTDATE and b.order_date < @.ENDDATE
group by a.salesrep_id, datepart(month,b.order_date)
order by a.salesrep_id, month
Bruce Loehle-Conger
MVP SQL Server Reporting Services
"Damon Johnson" <> wrote in message
> Thank you soo much Bruce.
> Here is the statement;
> SELECT TOP 100 PERCENT dbo.invoice_hdr.salesrep_id,
> dbo.invoice_hdr.order_date
> FROM dbo.contacts INNER JOIN
> dbo.invoice_hdr ON => dbo.invoice_hdr.salesrep_id
> "Bruce L-C [MVP]" wrote:
>> You want to do this with the sql statement. Since you didn't show your
>> SQL I
>> had to make up names.
>> select a.salesrepid, datepart(month, a.invoicedate) as month, count(*) as
>> invoices_count from yourtable a
>> group by a.salesrepid, datepart(month, a.invoicedate)
>> order by a.salesrepid, month
>> Note this gives you month by number which is what you need in order to
>> order
>> it properly, if you want by month name then add that in and still order
>> by
>> the month number to keep in in the proper order.
>> --
>> Bruce Loehle-Conger
>> MVP SQL Server Reporting Services
>> "Damon Johnson" <> wrote in message
>> > Hello All.
>> >
>> > I'm running SSRS 2005 on top of a sql2000 database.
>> >
>> > I need to create a report that counts the number of invoices salesreps
>> > process per month.
>> >
>> > The fields I have selected are;
>> >
>> > SalesRep ID Invoice No Invoice Date
>> >
>> >
>> > 1 5467 2/22/2006 3:06:17 PM
>> > 5 4526 2/22/2006 3:29:56 PM
>> > 8 6589 6/14/2005 4:20:26 PM
>> > 5 8569 2/22/2006 3:29:56 PM
>> > 5 2563 6/10/2007 8:29:56 AM
>> > 5 1523 2/22/2006 3:29:56 PM
>> > 8 9876 8/23/2006 5:29:56 PM
>> > 1 7563 4/23/2006 1:29:56 PM
>> >
>> > What i want to do is group by Salesrep ID, then show the total number
>> > of
>> > invoices that rep did per month;
>> >
>> > SalesRep ID Month TotalInvoices Processed
>> > 1 Jan 4
>> > Feb 2
>> > Mar 5
>> >
>> > 5 Jan 5
>> > Feb 6
>> > Mar 3
>> >
>> > 8 Jan 2
>> > Feb 10
>> > Mar 20 ... and so on.
>> >
>> >
>> > I'm not sure exactly how to do this. Also how do I convert the date
>> > format
>> > into just showing the month, not every minute of every day?
>> >
>> > Any help is much appreciated.
>> > Thanks.
>> >
>>|||OK Bruce I think this is my last request.
the DATENAME(month, invoice_date) returns the month only.
How do i get it to return the month and year. I will be setting this up as a
parameter query;
Between @.StartDate and @.EndDate
and want the user to put in May 07 and June 07
thanks again.
"Bruce L-C [MVP]" wrote:
> First, you do not need TOP 100 percent. That means you want all the records
> which is what you get without the TOP syntax.
> SELECT a.salesrep_id, datepart(month,b.order_date) as Month,
> datename(month,b.order_date) as Month_Name,count(*) as invoices_count
> FROM dbo.contacts a INNER JOIN dbo.invoice_hdr b ON => b.salesrep_id
> where b.order_date >= @.STARTDATE and b.order_date < @.ENDDATE
> group by a.salesrep_id, datepart(month,b.order_date)
> order by a.salesrep_id, month
> --
> Bruce Loehle-Conger
> MVP SQL Server Reporting Services
> "Damon Johnson" <> wrote in message
> > Thank you soo much Bruce.
> > Here is the statement;
> >
> > SELECT TOP 100 PERCENT dbo.invoice_hdr.salesrep_id,
> > dbo.invoice_hdr.order_date
> > FROM dbo.contacts INNER JOIN
> > dbo.invoice_hdr ON => > dbo.invoice_hdr.salesrep_id
> >
> > "Bruce L-C [MVP]" wrote:
> >
> >> You want to do this with the sql statement. Since you didn't show your
> >> SQL I
> >> had to make up names.
> >>
> >> select a.salesrepid, datepart(month, a.invoicedate) as month, count(*) as
> >> invoices_count from yourtable a
> >> group by a.salesrepid, datepart(month, a.invoicedate)
> >> order by a.salesrepid, month
> >>
> >> Note this gives you month by number which is what you need in order to
> >> order
> >> it properly, if you want by month name then add that in and still order
> >> by
> >> the month number to keep in in the proper order.
> >>
> >>
> >> --
> >> Bruce Loehle-Conger
> >> MVP SQL Server Reporting Services
> >>
> >>
> >> "Damon Johnson" <> wrote in message
> >>
> >> > Hello All.
> >> >
> >> > I'm running SSRS 2005 on top of a sql2000 database.
> >> >
> >> > I need to create a report that counts the number of invoices salesreps
> >> > process per month.
> >> >
> >> > The fields I have selected are;
> >> >
> >> > SalesRep ID Invoice No Invoice Date
> >> >
> >> >
> >> > 1 5467 2/22/2006 3:06:17 PM
> >> > 5 4526 2/22/2006 3:29:56 PM
> >> > 8 6589 6/14/2005 4:20:26 PM
> >> > 5 8569 2/22/2006 3:29:56 PM
> >> > 5 2563 6/10/2007 8:29:56 AM
> >> > 5 1523 2/22/2006 3:29:56 PM
> >> > 8 9876 8/23/2006 5:29:56 PM
> >> > 1 7563 4/23/2006 1:29:56 PM
> >> >
> >> > What i want to do is group by Salesrep ID, then show the total number
> >> > of
> >> > invoices that rep did per month;
> >> >
> >> > SalesRep ID Month TotalInvoices Processed
> >> > 1 Jan 4
> >> > Feb 2
> >> > Mar 5
> >> >
> >> > 5 Jan 5
> >> > Feb 6
> >> > Mar 3
> >> >
> >> > 8 Jan 2
> >> > Feb 10
> >> > Mar 20 ... and so on.
> >> >
> >> >
> >> > I'm not sure exactly how to do this. Also how do I convert the date
> >> > format
> >> > into just showing the month, not every minute of every day?
> >> >
> >> > Any help is much appreciated.
> >> > Thanks.
> >> >
> >>
> >>
> >>