Tuesday, March 27, 2012

count measure not working as expected


I have diamension Calender in my cube. I have a table called incident which is working as both measure as well as diamension. There is no relation between the calender and incident tables in the database. When i selected the incident table to be a measure using the cube creating wizard it added a measure attribute called incident count inside the incident measure. I have heirarchy defined in the calender diamension as year-month-date. What i did was dropped the incident count measure in the data area while browsing the cube. And i added the

year-month-date heirarchy to 'drop row field here' area.

Then i went into the diamension usage and defined a relation between Calender diamension and incident measure using the incidentDate field in incident table and Date field in the Calender table. Then i deployed the cube and browsed. What i get is count the total number of incidents in the incident table in front of all the years and months.

Can anybody suggest what i am doing wrong. I want a count of incidents to be displayed for every month or every year.

Thank you.


Sounds like you have not defined attribute relationships in your Calendar dimension. With the attributes you mentioned in your previous post Date should have a relationship to month and month should have a relationship with year. Assuming that date is the key attribute you would also need to ensure that the year is not related to the date as this redundant relationship could also cause issues.sql

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