Thursday, March 29, 2012

count of records greater than?

Hello All,

Trying to set up a column in a grouped matrix that displays a count of all record over a specificed number.

The field I am counting are response time of transaction and I want to count how many were over 500 milliseconds. I though it would be something like this...

Code Snippet

=Count(Fields!ResponseTime.Value > "500")

However, this appears to just return the count of all rows and ignores the "500" part.

Am I missing something? If someone could post a alternate code snippet, that would be great.

Thanks in advance,


Hi Clint,

Try this expression

Code Snippet

=Count(iif (Fields!ResponseTime.Value > 500,1,nothing))

Best Regards,



Thanks that works an after thought, I need to add something in that would separate on of the field that has a different threshhold. Its grouped up and all but one has the 500 threshold count but one has 1000. Any ideas on how to separate it out?

I was thinking

Code Snippet

=Count(iif (Fields!ResponseTime.Value="QMEN" > 1000,1,nothing)) or Count(iif (Fields!ResponseTime.Value > 500,1,nothing))

But that errored out.|||

Need a second iff. Try just wrapping it around the timeout value

(I can't see your original post, so I'm just going to alter the innermost part of it. I don't think you meant the responsetime = QMEN..)

. . . > iif(XXXX.Value="QMEN", 1000, 500) . . .


How would I incorporate that into?...

=Count(iif (Fields!ResponseTime.Value > 500,1,nothing))



=Count(iif (Fields!ResponseTime.Value > iif(XXXX.Value="QMEN", 1000, 500) , 1, nothing))

Where XXXX is whatever field has the value QMEN

|||Awsome. Thanks so much. the worked perfectlysql

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