I am trying to do a calculation with the below query and it works long as d.closegoal has values and d1.opengoal has values but the problem is when there is no count for either, I need to bring back a value of zero if there are no matches. Since I am using it in an outer select statement for a calculation it not bringing anything back because of no matches.
This is my code:
select d.lwia,
cast((d.closegoal + d1.opengoal) as float)denominator
select yg.lwia,
cast(count(yg.appid)as float) closegoal
from dbo.wiayouthgoals yg
where yg.lwia = @.RWB
-- Attained a goal in the timeframe timely or untimely
and ((convert(smalldatetime, convert(varchar(10),yg.youthattaindate, 101)) >= @.BeginDte -- Parm date for beginning of time frame needed
and convert(smalldatetime, convert(varchar(10),yg.youthattaindate, 101)) <= @.EndDte) -- Parm date for end of time frame needed
-- Goal due but not attained
or (convert(smalldatetime, convert(varchar(10),yg.youthgoalanniversary, 101)) >= @.BeginDte -- Parm date for beginning of time frame needed
and convert(smalldatetime, convert(varchar(10),yg.youthgoalanniversary, 101)) <= @.EndDte -- Parm date for end of time frame needed
and yg.youthattaingoal <> 1))
group by yg.lwia
-- Closure with open goal
select cast(count(yg.appid)as float) opengoal
from dbo.tbl_caseclosure cc,
dbo.wiayouthgoals yg
where yg.appid = cc.col_idnum
and convert(smalldatetime, convert(varchar(10),cc.col_closuredate, 101)) >= @.BeginDte -- Parm date for beginning of time frame needed
and convert(smalldatetime, convert(varchar(10),cc.col_closuredate, 101)) <= @.EndDte -- Parm date for end of time frame needed
and yg.youthattaindate is null
and yg.lwia = @.RWB
group by yg.lwia
I'd be tempted to put your results into a temptable or table variable and add the value 0 if the insert adds 0 rows.
Code Snippet
DECLARE @.Table TABLE (Iwia INT, Denominator FLOAT)
VALUES (0, 0)
SELECT Iwia, Denominator
FROM @.Table
|||Use ISNULL(column, 0) around your two arguments.
Code Snippet
select d.lwia,
cast((ISNULL(d.closegoal, 0) + ISNULL(d1.opengoal, 0)) as float)denominator
Try this
SELECT d.lwia
--, cast((d.closegoal + d1.opengoal) as float)denominator
, SUM(goal) as denominator
SELECT yg.lwia
,0 as goal
from dbo.wiayouthgoals yg
where yg.lwia = @.RWB
SELECT yg.lwia
,IsNull(cast(count(yg.appid)as int),0) as goal-- closegoal
from dbo.wiayouthgoals yg
where yg.lwia = @.RWB
-- Attained a goal in the timeframe timely or untimely
and ((convert(smalldatetime, convert(varchar(10),yg.youthattaindate, 101)) >= @.BeginDte -- Parm date for beginning of time frame needed
and convert(smalldatetime, convert(varchar(10),yg.youthattaindate, 101)) <= @.EndDte) -- Parm date for end of time frame needed
-- Goal due but not attained
or (convert(smalldatetime, convert(varchar(10),yg.youthgoalanniversary, 101)) >= @.BeginDte -- Parm date for beginning of time frame needed
and convert(smalldatetime, convert(varchar(10),yg.youthgoalanniversary, 101)) <= @.EndDte -- Parm date for end of time frame needed
and yg.youthattaingoal <> 1))
group by yg.lwia
-- Closure with open goal
select yg.lwia
, IsNull(cast(count(yg.appid)as int) as goal--opengoal
from dbo.tbl_caseclosure cc,
dbo.wiayouthgoals yg
where yg.appid = cc.col_idnum
and convert(smalldatetime, convert(varchar(10),cc.col_closuredate, 101)) >= @.BeginDte -- Parm date for beginning of time frame needed
and convert(smalldatetime, convert(varchar(10),cc.col_closuredate, 101)) <= @.EndDte -- Parm date for end of time frame needed
and yg.youthattaindate is null
and yg.lwia = @.RWB
group by yg.lwia
GROUP BY d.lwia
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