Friday, February 24, 2012

Could Not Bulk Copy


I am doing a full snapshot on couple of subcriptions but getting this message from last couple of days. I have to do this at night because tables are very large so it does not block the users. I am not sure which table this error is happening. It used to work fine but from last couple of days this has started to happen. I need to re-sync my subscription database with production database but some of the tables are giving problem.

The process could not bulk copy out of table '[dbo].[syncobj_0x3735393934363031]'.

I/O error while writing BCP data-file
(Source: ODBC SQL Server Driver (ODBC); Error number: 0)

Please let me know.


Mike, you are running out of disk space on the snapshot volume, please consider reducing the maximum distribution retention period, configuring the snapshot job to run less frequently, or simply add more disk space to the machine hosting the snapshot files.




Hi Raymond:

Thanks a lot for replying. How can I reduce the maximum distribution retention period using enterprise manager? Please let me know.



Right-click Replication folder->Configure Publishing, Subscribers, Distribution...->Distributor tab->Properties button-> Store the transactions: At least: text box (min distribution retention) But not more than: (max distribution retention). But before you change that, you should probably make sure the distribution cleanup agent is running without problems (Right Click Replication Monitor->Agents->Miscellaneous Agent->Distribution clean up: <distribution database name> on the right plane). Snapshot files are supposed to be removed as soon as they have distributed to all applicable subscribers unless the immediate_sync publication property is set to 1 so you may want to check that at the publisher database also (select immediate_sync from syspublications [where name = 'your publication name'].



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