Friday, February 24, 2012

Could not create an instance of OLE DB provider BULKIMPORTSTREAM.

Run this script:

bulk insert viewdisp
from 'd:\downloads\assessment05_preload\viewdisp.txt'
with (
datafiletype = 'widechar',
firstrow = 1,
maxerrors = 0

Get this error:

Could not create an instance of OLE DB provider 'BULKIMPORTSTREAM'.
OLE DB error trace [Non-interface error: CoCreate of DSO for BULKIMPORTSTREAM returned 0x80040154].

SQL Server 2000 - SP3a
Logged in as sa with system admin, bulk insert admin, dbo, ddl admin, local admin, king of the world... you name it.

Is this a OLE DB Driver or MDAC issue?

Anyone else ever had this issue. You would think that Microsoft would have all of their error messages on their own WebSite, but that must be too much trouble for them.Based on the HRESULT you posted (80040154), you've got at least one DLL class that isn't registered properly. The simple answer is to remove the SQL client tools using the Control Panel, then reinstall the SQL Client tools.

If you know (or at least strongly suspect) which DLL has gone AWOL, you can certainly try to register it manually.

-PatP|||Do you know which DLLs I should look at? Is the the ODBC or the SQL Server?

Thanks.|||Operative word being "should", the problem should be in the SQL Server.


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