Hi, i would like to know what is better when trying to compare two data fields one of them has the format yyyymmdd and then the another is yyyymmdd hh:mms
I need to ignore the time part but when I use this ...
where Convert(CHAR(8),Year(date)*10000+ Month(date)*100+Day(date))
between @.date_ini and @.date_fin
I have also tried this....
where convert(varchar(12), date, 112 )
between @.date_ini and @.date_fin
@.date_ini and @.date_fin are varchar '20070301'
The proble is that the time to execute the query is exagerated
would you pleas help me?
where date >= @.date_ini
and date < convert(datetime, @.date_fin) + 1
The performance of your query should be improved if you have an index on your "date" field. Also, I have assumed that you have stoerd your field as an SQL datetime field and made the assumption that when you say that you wat @.date_ini and @.date_fin to be the same date that you are wanting all records on that date to be selected.
I do not use the BETWEEN operator because BETWEEN would also select data that occurs exactly on midnight of the next day.
|||Thank you Kent Waldrop
It works better
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