SQL Server does not exist or access denied.
hey guys can someone help me out on this or point me to another forum with the same problem and the answer this problem thank youcan you post your connection string?|||sure if i really no where to find it|||would this be it
10:37:20 PM Monday, December 01, 2003: [Checking system requirements]
10:37:20 PM Monday, December 01, 2003: [Pass] Detected a local instance of SQL Server.
10:37:20 PM Monday, December 01, 2003: [Pass] Determined SQL Server version (8.00.194).
10:37:20 PM Monday, December 01, 2003: [Pass] Detected .NET Framework.
10:37:20 PM Monday, December 01, 2003: [Pass] Detected Internet Information Server (IIS).
10:37:21 PM Monday, December 01, 2003: [Begin Sample Configuration]
10:37:22 PM Monday, December 01, 2003: [Pass] Created IIS virtual directory.: AspNetForums
10:37:22 PM Monday, December 01, 2003: [Pass] Determined SQL Server version (8.00.194).
10:37:38 PM Monday, December 01, 2003: [Fail] Could not add ASPNET user to SQL Server.
SQL Server does not exist or access denied.
10:37:38 PM Monday, December 01, 2003: [Done]|||<configuration
<section name="AspNetForumsSettings" type="System.Configuration.NameValueFileSectionHandler, System, Version=1.0.3300.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" />
<!-- set debugmode to false for running application -->
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<!-- set customeErrors off while developing -->
<customErrors mode="RemoteOnly" /
<authentication mode="Forms">
<forms name="AspNetWebAuth" loginUrl="~/login.aspx" protection="None" timeout="60" />
<!-- ASP.NET Forums Config Settings -->
Data Provider
<add key="DataProviderAssemblyPath" value="AspNetForums.dll" /
Application Settings
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<add key="smtpServer" value="default" /> <!-- Can specify SMTP Server to use to send out emails. Use "default" to use the default Windows 2000 SMTP Server -->
<add key="allowDuplicatePosts" value="false" /><!-- Whether or not you wish to allow messages with duplicate bodies being posted in various forums -->
<add key="dbTimeZoneOffset" value="-6" /><!-- The timezone offset of your database server. (GMT is +0; EST = -5;) -->
<add key="siteName" value="ASP.NET Forums" /><!-- The name of your AspNetForums.NET Web site. -->
<add key="DataProviderClassName" value="AspNetForums.Data.SqlDataProvider" />
<add key="urlWebSite" value="http://localhost" /
If the ASP.NET Forums are configured to run in a directory that is not
an IIS VRoot, provide the name of that directory here.
<add key="forumsDirectory" value="/Forums" />
URL Resource Paths
urlHome - the Url to the home of the application
urlShowPost - The Url to show a particular post.
urlShowAllUsers - The Url to show all users.
urlSearch - The Url to show the search page.
urlSearchForUser - Searchs for posts by a given user.
urlRegister - The Url to register as a user.
urlProfile - The Url to view a user profile.
urlLogin - The Url to redirect the user to in order to login.
urlLogout - The Url to redirect a user to when they opt to logout.
urlShowForum - The Url to show a particular forum.
urlShowForumGroup - The Url to show a particular forum group.
urlShowUserInfo - The Url to show a particular user's information.
urlReplyToPost - The Url to post a reply to an existing post.
urlAddNewPost - The Url to post a new message.
urlEditExistingPostFromModeration - The Url to edit an existing post from the moderation system.
urlEditExistingPostFromAdmin - The Url to edit an existing post from the administration screen.
urlPostModeration - The Url to moderate posts awaiting approval.
urlEditForum - The Url to edit an existing forum.
urlCreateForum - The Url to create a new forum.
urlShowForumsPostsForAdmin - The Url to show a forums posts for editing/deletign (only available through the administration page).
Note, the '&' symbol cannot be parsed all '&' in URL are replaced with '^'
<add key="urlHome" value="/Default.aspx" />
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<add key="urlSearchForPostsByUser" value="/Search/default.aspx?SearchFor=1^SearchText=" />
<add key="urlRegister" value="/User/CreateUser.aspx" />
<add key="urlEditUserProfile" value="/User/EditUserProfile.aspx" />
<add key="urlLogin" value="/login.aspx" />
<add key="urlAdmin" value="/Admin/default.aspx" />
<add key="urlAdminEditUser" value="/Admin/EditUser.aspx?Username=" />
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<add key="urlForgotPassword" value="/User/EmailForgottenPassword.aspx" />
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<add key="urlManageForumPosts" value="/Moderate/ManageForum.aspx?ForumId=" />
<add key="urlMovePost" value="/Moderate/MovePost.aspx?PostID=" />
<add key="urlModerateThread" value="/Moderate/ModerateThread.aspx?PostId=" />
<add key="urlEditForum" value="/Admin/EditForum.aspx?ForumID=" />
<add key="urlCreateForum" value="/Admin/CreateNewForum.aspx" />
<add key="urlShowForumPostsForAdmin" value="/Admin/ShowPosts.aspx?ForumID=" />
<add key="urlMessage" value="/Msgs/default.aspx?MessageId=" />
<add key="urlModerationHistory" value="/Moderate/ModerationHistory.aspx?PostId=" />
This location tag is used to ensure that only authenticated users can add a new post or reply to
an existing post...
<location path="AddPost.aspx">
<deny users="?" />
<location path="EditPost.aspx">
<deny users="?" />
</configuration>|||The user account that you are running the script under needs to have permissions in SQL Server to add a login for the ASPNet user. Are you logged on as a local administrator?
Ken|||i am really not sure can u be lil more specific how will no if i am loged in or how i can log into the sql server|||If you are using Windows Integrated Authentication with SQL Server, then your Windows account needs appropriate permissions in SQL Server to be able to add new users to SQL Server.
I suggest you logon as an administrator and run the script. Otherwise, if you are using Mixed Mode security, then you should run the script under "sa" account.
The different security modes are discussed in SQL Server Books Online
Ken|||well am running windows xp professional and my user name is has adminastative access|||well i am on windows xp pro and my user account is admin so how do i make my windows have appropriate permission in sql server|||I know above posts are a little dated but i thought that it would be nice to finish up the post.
I think the solution to the problem is to add the user account of the IIS server (typically: IUSR_<computername> ) as a trusted user on SQL server:
As for security concerns, I guess that would be up to those configuring thier machines to decide if this is the approach for them.
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